When shopping for or getting health coverage, you should be aware of that you can consult your local independent insurance agent for help. You can enroll by yourself, but the agents helping you enroll cannot give advice on which policy or option to choose. With an independent insurance agent in California, they can help you navigate through the confusing world of health insurance.
Professional insurance agents, like John Shafer Insurance Services , are free to offer a much higher level of assistance. It is also important to note that consumers don't pay for this service if they seek the guidance of a professional insurance agent. Additionally, insurance agents must be licensed, carry professional liability insurance coverage, and comply with all state-mandated continuing education requirements.
In addition to meeting all of the requirements of licensed insurance agents, the agents at John Shafer Insurance Services have completed all training and certifications required in order to help assist consumers. We also have the ability to make consumers aware of insurance choices not available through the exchanges.
Contact us today at 949-760-7150 to answer any of your questions or get a free quote from our website.